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Patriot Coalition EVENTS

The Latest Updates

Past events that I had the privilege to speak at. They are some of the issues we address. 

2021 Rolling Thunder I am speaking on stage with RT President.jpg

I honor to speak at the Memorial Day Remembrance. Hosted by Rolling Thunder NY Div. 6

2021 American for Justice Reform BBQ attended

I spoke at the Americans For Legal Reform, BBQ. I stand in support to fight with them for the needed changes in the Courts.

Event attended

I attend a rally in Hauppauge in support of the "Victims Rights NY". To many innocent people are victims of abuse and violence. The families are left with the loss. We as a society must advocate for justice for them. We need to improve our justice system. In 2020.   

2021AlbanyRally. event attended
2021AlbanyKids event attended

I attended and spoke at a rally to Unmask the Kids in Albany, NY

Pat Hahn @ Rally attended in 5-21-21
Event attended

I attended a press conference that Sen. Boyle held about the Gilgo Beach murders. I agree we need to move this case forward to the FBI. So they can investigate and get answers for the victims families. 

I attended the Back the Blue freedom rally held at Wantagh train station. It was an honor to speak before an overwhelming patriotic crowed. God bless our military and law enforcement. I stand in full support of our military and all law enforcement agencies.  

Event attended

I spoke at a Freedom Rally to address the unconstitutional mandates being forced on us.

Event attended

I spoke at a rally defending students against mandates.

2021 March for Life. event

I'm the Loud Voice for the Un-born.

I support Pro-Life. I spoke at the March for Life NY Rally. 

Event attended

I am lifelong Defender of our 2nd. Amendment Rights. 2A Rally in Albany. I'm pictured front and center holding our 2A banner. We peacefully marched around our Capitol. We need to repeal the Un-SAFE Act along with the Unconstitutional infringements against our Right to Self-Protect. 

Suffolk SCOPE
2024 Save Suffolk County Say NO to Windmills.png

Call your Suffolk County Executive and Legislators. Be respectful and let them know you are against this unreliable Green New Scam. Destroying our ocean ecosystem, ocean wildlife, birds and beaches. Along with raising our

energy costs. Creating an environmental hazard.

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